This is the first story from Stories of The Prophets series that we present in our Youtube Channel "Pembelajar Quran"that we take from Quran Weekly Channel and translate to Indonesian subtitle.
Ustadh Abdul Nasir Jengda explains a short story and lessons from life of prophet Adam alayhis salam (AS) in this video and we are trying to make a synopsis of this lecture.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala tells us multiple times in the Quran stories about prophet Adam AS in different ayah with a lot of events in his life, we can start from before his creation, or how Allah establish his status with making the other creation doing sujood to him as form of respect and then Iblis disobey Allah which result the eviction of Iblis from Jannah. Iblis made the next move with asking Allah to prolong his life till the day of judgement because he has an evil intention to revenge to prophet Adam and his children.
To make it short, finally Iblis successfully tricked Adam and his wife to his trap and made them both also leaving Jannah and force to live on Earth as their new home. And this is the powerful Lesson of this story, about TAWBAH. After seeing how sorry Adam and his wife with their mistakes Allah Azza wa Jalla himself taught prophet Adam AS how to ask proper forgiveness to HIM with this dua "Rabbanaa Zhalamnaa Anfusanaa wa in lam taghfirlanaa wa tarhamnaa lanakunannaa minal khasiriin" which means " Yaa our Rabb, our Lord, we're doing wrong ourselves and if you're not forgive us and give us your rahmah, we definitely in lose"
So, what is actually the meaning of TAWBAH ? in Arabic Language, Tawbah has the same meaning with Ruju' that means coming back. with example, if we want to go to North but at some point in the journey we take the wrong turn and no longer go to North but to other direction (to South or West or East) but then we realize this is not the right path so what are we doing? we have to take U-Turn, going back to the original path to go back to the right direction,to North. That's the real meaning of TAWBAH.
So, in our dayly life as a muslim, perfection is not our goal. Because every person certainly has sins, did doing or will do a lot of mistakes. we're human, children of Adam, we will never free of mistakes. Our goal is how to find our way to go back to Allah Azza wa Jalla, how to always remember Allah in every condition, to asking forgiveness and make Tawbah to Allah.
Barokallaahu lii wa lakum wassalamu'alaikum warohmatullaahi wa barokatuhu
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